Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Highlights So Far This Week

1. A started working on my grant due Friday which is very tedious by also very exciting... Even if I don't get the money, everyone keeps saying it is a very "rewarding" experience. The only reward I want after writing eight pages single-spaced is the actual grant! I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

2. I woke up last night to what I thought was two mice chasing each other under my bed. It turned out to be two lizards the size of my head chasing three cockroaches. I finally turned on the lights when I heard a crunch about a foot from my face as one of the lizards bit off the head of one of the cockroaches. I screamed jumping up and down on my bed until Mama Mary came running in to save me butt naked. I am now double scarred for life and cannot sleep with the lights out.

3. A young man followed me home from work yesterday engaging in petty conversation ubtil the end of the walk when he asked me to go out with him on Friday night to try cow piss (a delicacy?). There's no way to be sure.

4. I have malaria. However, its not as dramatic as you might think. I've just been really groggy and flu-like. I also keep having flash backs to the computer game Oregon Trail from when I was in elementary school. Every five minutes the game would be like beep beep beep "Genevieve has fallen ill with malaria and you must delay your trip three days."

5. We have what I call a "chicky door" which is similar to a doggie door except for chickens. My host family owns about fifty chickens which come and go freely in the house through the chicky door and always sleep in the house (yes... It takes some getting used to). Well my little one-year old sister Grace likes to play with the chickens and she's just big enough to fit through the chicky door. Well the other night I thought one of the chickens was trying to come in for the night through the little door and in a fit of rage (the wake me up at five fifteen every mornong along with the new born baby who then cries until eight - not a fan of the chickens) I locked the chicky door. It was my little sister Grace. Not good.

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